Starting My New Design And Project Management Blog

In order to share my thoughts on design, project management, and all that goes into to fostering thriving communities I am starting a new blog.



There is so much that goes into design and project management. As I am working and helping communities grow I want to be able to pull out the lessons learned and other helpful tools that contribute to a successful project. My hope is that by cataloging what I learn here, I will be able to share helpful and relevant information with those who are on their own design journey.

Blog Content

This blog will cover a range of topics but will be rooted in one goal: to make it easier for others to succeed in their endeavors. By sharing relevant resources, design principles, interesting articles, thoughts on current events, precedent projects, helpful tools, and so much more, this blog can serve as a hub for ideas and conversation on bringing an idea for a project to life.

Some of the topics that I plan on posting about in the coming months are:

  • The Loneliness Epidemic & Importance of Community

  • Cohousing

  • Attainable Housing Strategies & Missing Middle Housing

  • Helpful Programs For Project Management & Digital Collaboration

  • Aging In Place & Universal Design

  • and much more

Posting Schedule

I am starting two exciting series this month!

  1. Aging In Place Principles

    • Topic: the principles and design strategies that can contribute to successful aging in place design

    • Posting Schedule: every other week on Thursday mornings at 10 am EST

  2. Recommended Resources

    • Topic: these will be a series of posts covering a resource that I have found compelling or was otherwise helpful in my work

    • Posting Schedule: every other week on Sunday mornings at 10 am EST

I will also be writing posts on a range of topics that will be published on alternating weeks from the Recommended Resources Series.



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