
Aging In Place Principles Emma Sutton Aging In Place Principles Emma Sutton

Aging In Place (AIP) Principles - Transitional Spaces

TRANSITIONAL SPACES are the connective tissue of a home. They are the porches, atriums, courtyards, sunrooms, and all of the other spaces that connect one room or area to another. These spaces play a crucial role in a home.

Transitional spaces are not just aesthetically driven architectural elements but vital components that enhance the overall living experience, particularly for those who are aging in place. By incorporating these spaces thoughtfully, we can create homes that are not only more livable but also more adaptable to the changing needs of their residents, making aging in place more practical and sustainable.

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Aging In Place Principles Emma Sutton Aging In Place Principles Emma Sutton

Aging In Place (AIP) Principles - Easy Maintenance

Maintaining a home and managing the associated costs are unavoidable aspects of home ownership. Material and construction technique choices made early on can greatly alleviate many long-term costs, though they may seem daunting at first. By focusing on easy maintenance, we can create homes that support long-term independence, functionality, and comfort, central to the principles of Aging in Place. A home that is easy to maintain ensures that residents can live comfortably and safely for longer periods without the constant need for costly repairs or laborious cleaning efforts.

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Cohousing Emma Sutton Cohousing Emma Sutton

The Beauty of Cohousing Communities

Cohousing is an intentional community model where residents live in private homes but share common spaces and amenities. Designed to foster community interaction while maintaining personal privacy, cohousing addresses modern isolation by fostering neighborly connections. These communities feature shared areas like kitchens, dining rooms, gardens, and recreational spaces, encouraging social interactions and mutual support. Cohousing promotes collaborative governance and resource sharing, providing a sustainable and enriching living experience. For those seeking a sense of belonging and a supportive community, cohousing offers a transformative alternative to traditional housing arrangements.

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General Emma Sutton General Emma Sutton

Promoting Density While Fostering Community: The Crow Woods Cohousing Approach

Did you know that “it is illegal on 75 percent of the residential land in many American cities to build anything other than a detached single-family home”? This restrictive zoning, highlighted in a 2019 New York Times article, exacerbates our national housing crisis. But while zoning changes are coming, slowly, we don’t have to wait to create the housing we want to live in now. Maxing out allowable density is nothing new to developers. However, housing projects designed with community in mind is much more rare. There is a balance to be found between maximizing density and designing spaces for harmonious living. Crow Woods, a nine-unit cohousing community in development in Seattle, exemplifies this balance and shows how intentional, community-driven design can create not just housing but homes.

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Recommended Resource Emma Sutton Recommended Resource Emma Sutton

The Business Operations Hub

Maximize Your Business Efficiency with the Business Operations Hub: Streamline your operations with this template: a comprehensive management system tailored for small businesses, project managers, and non-profits. Easily customize interfaces for tasks, invoices, contacts, and more, with options for advanced features and integrations.

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General Emma Sutton General Emma Sutton

The Loneliness Epidemic

In a podcast from October 2019, Ezra Klein interviewed former US surgeon general Vivek Murthy on the loneliness epidemic. The following piece is a response to and summary of their conversation.

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