Building Ohana

Role: Stacker & Airtable Designer

I developed a centralized operations and constituent tracking system using Airtable for data management and Stacker user interfaces, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and data accessibility for the organization’s housing development project.

Building Ohana is a non-profit developing a housing community and they needed a way to centralize all of their data to make it easier to log and review. I was invited to create a system that would allow contributors to track information in one place. It needed to be user-friendly, visually appealing, and comprehensive. We decided to start with a simple buildout using Airtable to manage the data and Stacker to serve as the user interface. From there, we have been adding features and refining the system to do even more for the community.

Some of the features that Building Ohana needed were meeting tracking, resource indexing, constituent and moves management tracking, mailing list sign-up and automated emails, auto-generated reports, task tracking, and more. I set all of this up with sample data so that the Building Ohana team could then go in and log the data on their own. For the first time since the organization was created, they will be able to consolidate all of their data, contacts, tasks, resources, and more in one place. It is a major milestone for them and will make their team even more nimble.

Building Ohana wanted to automate and streamline as much as possible so I worked with them to understand where they were finding inefficiencies in their work such as responding to new email inquiries, onboarding new supporters, and communicating meeting information with board members. We were able to create systems that vastly cut down on administrative time, such as a new supporter sign-up form that sends customized email responses and an easily accessible automation that sends out meeting agendas and notes with the push of a button.

The work to improve the dashboard continues and we will be refining it to suit the needs of the organization as they evolve and make progress on their pilot project.


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